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Footfalls of Faith

G.W. Bill Elliott, Jr

Updated: Jul 14, 2023

As I walk around, most of the time I hold my head up and my eyes are on my path, my course, and the 'road ahead', as it were. Rarely do I look down and watch my feet as I walk... I don't need to make sure they are following the commands of my nervous-system... I trust they will obey my wishes and commands for them... even better, I have a vast life of experience walking, which only instills my trust and belief that my steps will rarely falter.

Unless it is dark!

Then, I am not at all so confident, not at all so 'head held high' proud, not at all so sure of my steps. Our devotional today admonishes us about our walk, about our steps, and about our trust and faith in His leading us. Psalms 119:105 tells us; "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." The Word of the Lord does that... Illuminates our footfall (below our feet), and our path (ahead of our lives).

Which verse? Which passage? That's where I can get a little caught up in the exactness of my faith, but the Lord reminds us that "...thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee" (wander off the path). His Word is not just one/two passages, or a special memory scripture or two, not even the pieces that makes the most sense... His whole Word.

That can be a lot of reading and take a lot of time. How do you ever keep from wandering out of His will and off His path while you are young? Well, Ephesians 5:15-16 helps clarify by telling us; "See then that ye walk circumspectly (wary and unwilling to take risks), not as fools, but as wise, (16) Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." That 'circumspectly' part always catches my eye... to be wary... and unwilling to take risks.

Seems like we'd never grow in the Lord if we don't 'try' things... experiment... practice... just explore, as it were. But, that's the core point with our devotional; "trust" in the Lord is 'sure'... it is healing... it is free of fear and worry, an assurance in your steps, a pride in your walk, and a 'head held high' posture about your faith with the Lord.

These Footfalls of Faith are the result of trusting Him, walking with Him, and taking quality quiet time with Him to know His Word, which illuminates; lighting the path below your feet and ahead of you too. You are not going to walk and have faith, you are going to have faith and walk. Your walk is the Footfalls of your Faith!

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