Sure, we're usually advised to pay attention, focus, and not be distracted when we're on a path, whether we are driving, cycling, or jogging. Practically, we do need to focus and minimize distractions, sure. Today's devotional, however, is going to encourage you to actually be distracted by the Lord's path, the Lord's plan of your life... let that get/keep your attention, let that be where your prime energy and interests go.
"Same thing, just a different spin", you might say. No... Psalms 16:8 tells us; "I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.", which is to remind us that you should purpose to give attention to the Lord, let HIM be the content that distracts you from the woes of life, such as; relationships, your work/projects, society itself. See... once we get into a routine, even a 'rut' if you will, of being in His presence and waiting on His peace and leading and wisdom, these 'things of earth' will NOT have as dramatic affect or impact on you... relationship are enriched, work and projects flow better, your interaction and resolve with society now has His Spirit permeating your faith-walk.
The passage in Psalms 89:15-16 states; "Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. (16) In thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted.", therefore, this path of fellowship with the Lord has a much better influence on your life than just 'going it alone'. This 'distracted on His path' way of living is quite contrary to what 'makes sense', to what is rational/practical, or even what is socially acceptable... but, that in itself is the point; when we live in close fellowship with the Lord, we are essentially 'one step removed' from the worry, tension, fear, and utter selfishness of the world. We, in fact, are right on track for His blessings, and 2 Peter 1:2 claims; "Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord", which is your reward, your benefit, your results of being on His Path of Distraction.