G.W. Bill Elliott, Jr
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Joy Regardlessly
I am not a fan of Luck; it can go one of two ways. When you have a 'streak of bad luck', you don't know why; when you have a 'streak of...
Everyone Gets God; NOT
Now, not that everyone 'gets' Him, as-in understands; it's a 'gets' Him, as-in accepts. Both are actually very true statements, however...
Broadminded and Resistant
Those two traits rarely exist in the same sentence, but our devotional for today encourages us to be broadminded, but retain an...
His Path of Distraction
Sure, we're usually advised to pay attention, focus, and not be distracted when we're on a path, whether we are driving, cycling, or...
Thwarting God
No, we should not plan to thwart God, we should not set out to undermine His will, His leading, even His calling (on you, or others)....
Quiet Trusting Baby Steps
Not sure about you, but sometimes I find it hard to start something or commit to something when I think/feel there are too many steps,...
Wearing Your Bearings
What? Bearings as in Ball Bearings? No, those are rarely worn, if ever. But Bearings as in 'directions', or 'route', even a 'destination...
Let Them Suffer
We have had occasion to discuss today's devotional a couple times in recent months, so this title may sound familiar... or, it may...
Tooty Fruity
The Bible tells me that I should not get weary from doing well, that I should not fret over seeing immediate results, the fruits of my...