G.W. Bill Elliott, Jr
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- 30 Minute Session
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Blog Posts (99)
- There You Don't Go
There are sayings like; " Blood is thicker than water ", " Friends don't let friends... ", " Until death do us part ", and a small flurry of other 'no matter what you do' sayings that define how permanent many relationships are. But, they are faulty; because there is separation, there is division, there is abandonment in this world. Somehow, somewhere, sometime, there is something you will do, or something someone will do to you that will cause you to distance yourself... for good or bad, we all experience 'conditional love' and brokenness in our lives. Unfortunately, it sets the stage for distrust toward God, too. Jesus told us many times He'd never leave us nor forsake us, God even showed the Israelites He will always be with them in their Tabernacle while they 'wandered'. Oddly, we tend to distance ourselves from Him... and Psalms 89:15-16 reminds us; " Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. (16) In thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted. " His presence in our lives is much more than some fancy charm, a spiritual/emotional crutch, or even on an 'as needed' basis. You may not feel it, may not nurture it, or may not trust Him enough to realize it. You do not have to experience some colossal event to be face-to-face with Him. He will never let you go. Feeling lonely for Him, or losing that sense of contact, or even just experiencing silence from Him has often caused us to lose interest, or feel rejected (again), and maybe even unworthy (some sin/disobedience in your life). While these 'things' have been the cause for others to abandon you or push you away, the Lord is right there 'under your breath', right there in your whispered prayers, right there in your heart and soul. Jude 1:24-25 even states; " Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, (25) To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. ", which is confirmation just how patient, loving, and accepting His mercy is for your life... you'll wander, you'll flounder, but He won't make you go away! How to know? Take Him at His word! Psalms 41:12 iterates it with; " And as for me, thou upholdest me in mine integrity, and settest me before thy face for ever. ", which is to say that He is right there for you... nurturing your spirit, challenging your Faith Walk (bigger, better steps), and face-to-face with your journey. While you do 'go', you don't go away from Him. You may hide, you may run, you may even purposely avoid Him, but there you don't go; away from His forgiveness, His love, His restoration.
- I Don't Have a Microphone
I have an opinion, but I don't have a microphone. I have a perspective, but I don't have a microphone. I have a solution, but I don't have a microphone. I have a voice, but I don't have a microphone. I have a plan, but I don't have a microphone. I have a way, but I don't have a microphone. I have a strategy, but I don't have a microphone. I have encouragement, but I don't have a microphone. I have an answer, but I don't have a microphone. I have an alert, but I don't have a microphone. I have a joke, but I don't have a microphone. I come with hope, joy and love, but I don't have a microphone. It is rather sobering and more-so rather humbling to look around me and realize that I am not even in the right place on this stage of my life; the microphone is way over there.
- The Sight of Thankfulness
It would be nice to actually 'see' thankfulness, to have a visual representation of it... we'd all probably have pictures on our walls of it, photos on our phones, ornaments around our homes, and other tangible items that remind us of what thankfulness looks like. But, today's devotional is not about what thankfulness actually looks like; afterall, it's not actually tangible, it's not something you can touch, hold, or grasp. Thankfullness is an attitude, it's a quality of your personality, and it is certainly a perspective of life around you. Remember, Colossians 3:15 states; "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.", which is an admonition that when you combine the peace of God ruling in your heart (not only during holiday times) and a thankful spirit, His grace will spill over in your life, His love will be your love, and especially His sight will be your sight! As we look on this life with a thankful perspective, His blessings will allow you to see things in His Spirit and your life will be so enriched, so comforted, and thoroughly touched with mercy. Back when Saul of Tarsus (soon to become Paul) was stricken with blindness from his 'Damascus Road' experience with the Lord, Ananias came to his home and prayed for him, and the Holy Spirit touched his life... Acts 9:18 tells us; "And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized.", which is how thankfulness is in our lives; we see things so much differently. The Holy Spirit in our lives gives us 'new sight', a sight that through the Lord's eyes, a sight from His grace and mercy... no longer tripped by the bad things we see in this world... no longer downtrodden with what appears pending doom... by His wounds, we are healed! Now, THAT is the sight of thankfulness... a sight from God Himself. Therein, we can rejoice, we can experience a deeper spiritual joy, we can certainly share that thankfulness with an assurance that it will never end. Unlike the 'happy moments' of this world (holidays, vacations, celebrations, etc.), His is a joy, peace, and deep satisfaction that will never cease. Psalms 100:4-5 even encourages us to; "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. (5) For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.", which is assuredly The Sight of Thankfulness!
Other Pages (110)
- About | seekandyoufind.com
G.W. Bill Elliott, Jr Bill Elliott is the voice, writings, and thoughts behind the VocalBillity efforts. He IS “The voice of one crying in the Bewilderness® “, not at all because he is bewildered about his place in the Lord, his place in this world, or even his place among you and yours. It is due to the utter bewilderment of the people that moves his soul into action and causes him to bend-a-knee in prayer for you, for yours, and certainly for himself. He is a devoted Christian, an Ordained and Licensed minister, and most especially, a wholly committed and born-again soul. These writings, tweets, and photography snippets are many of the ways he expresses his perspectives on life, love, and certainly the hope of eternal salvation. Sermon Central - Contributor Faith Writers - Contributor eZine Articles - Contributor (site now defunct) GoodReads - Author Got Questions Ministry - Author/Contributor Writer There are many writings on this site, and in various categories, too; Devotionals Stories / Sermons Quotes & Snippets Counselor Bill has been rpoviding counseling since around 2015, and you can book a phone/video sesion with him by clicking the buton below. Check Availability Photographer Bill has a very odd eye for photography and there are many categories to review his captures! See Gallery Writer Sermon Central – Contributor Faith Writers – Contributor eZine Articles – Contributor (now defunct site) GoodReads - Author Got Questions Ministry - Author/Contributor
- Seek and You Find | soul searching
Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find ; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth ; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Where's Your Heart? The following three songs (in this order, too) best describe how our very lives should be with God; Broken, open, and ready to let Him show us His will Asking His Spirit into our lives and blow out the dust, corruption, and certainly the SIN that has kept Him from residing within The very nuggets of gold that He will leave behind as an encouragement for your surrender. Please, PLEASE take some quiet time (20 minutes in all) to listen to each song. The words/lyrics are included, so let God move through your ‘surrendered’ heart, and let these messages speak to your very soul. This IS what I do… almost daily too, still. Each link opens in a new window Worlds Apart, by Jars of Clay – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFj17GYJEj Rushing Wind, by Keith Green – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSL2Xh8WBwA I Think I See Gold, by Ray Boltz – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1N_Gpq6v8as
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