I know, 'commitment' does not seem like it has anything to do with freedom. Rather, it denotes the exact opposite. With things of the world, with temporal goals, with tangible life this is certainly true. It is not about freedom 'from' commitment, it is the freedom we obtain 'of' the commitment. Today's devotional however reminds us we must lift the eyes of our heart above the noise, above the things that pass-away, above the tangible pieces in our daily activities and consider devoting, committing, and obligating our every move to the Lord instead.
I know, seems like we are still losing our freedom (our own will) by committing ourselves to the Lord and His ways, His will. But, the critical difference is...
The Lord accepts your devotion to Him and gives your life RIGHT BACK to you! But now with divine leadership, righteous nurturing, and most certainly His gentle will for you!
See that?
Ephesians 5:8-10 helps to clarify as it states; "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light... Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord." This is to say that He 'will' shed light on that darkness of confusion we have, and gently lead us and even better, 'prove' what is acceptable to Him.
Besides, we can only serve one master; the Lord and His will, or ourselves (a career, a hobby, a lofty goal) and our inner strength. We are 'held captive' as the expectations of others drive us to succeed and accomplish. As I noted at the beginning though, handing our devotion to the Lord actually results in His freedom of our spirits, our hearts, our minds as He begins to 'work a work' in us, to fulfill the core desires of our hearts (not squash them), to empower our lives with His blessed touch. THAT is freedom, defined.
Let's give the Lord our dreams, our desires, our very will, and He will hand it right back to us wrapped in the loving hands of His Spirit to guide us unto His good works, will, and life.