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  • G.W. Bill Elliott, Jr

I Don't Have a Microphone

I have an opinion, but I don't have a microphone.

I have a perspective, but I don't have a microphone.

I have a solution, but I don't have a microphone.

I have a voice, but I don't have a microphone.

I have a plan, but I don't have a microphone.

I have a way, but I don't have a microphone.

I have a strategy, but I don't have a microphone.

I have encouragement, but I don't have a microphone.

I have an answer, but I don't have a microphone.

I have an alert, but I don't have a microphone.

I have a joke, but I don't have a microphone.

I come with hope, joy and love, but I don't have a microphone.

It is rather sobering and more-so rather humbling to look around me and realize that I am not even in the right place on this stage of my life; the microphone is way over there.

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